Wednesday, February 18, 2009

out the box, bitchez.

ok so, i've decided to become a blogger. much as i dislike the term, after discussing it with a couple of my cohorts, i've realized that it's the best for everyone involved. and yes, that includes you.

the point of this blog used to be business-specific, i.e. relating to my adventures in LALA Land. but, well, quite frankly, that's what we call boh-raaaang. if you want to read about the trials and tribulations of an actress trying to make it in H-Wood, i'm sure there are plenty of other blahgs you can peep.

now, i may mention acting, the "biz" (and yes, i will use quotation marks thusly, cuz they are appropriate when the word is spelled like that and means what it does), and work type stuff.


i will also use this space to record various random neural firings, and not all of it will make sense. poetry, pictures, little gems of wisdom, babble, a veritable cornucopia of grey matter. but at least it will be interesting. actually interesting. i will probably not use proper punctuation, nor capitalization, but anyone who knows me, knows that it's intentional (and therefore proper in a certain light. the alyssa lobit light).

so, for this landmark grand re-opening, i will talk about something extremely personal:

i colored my hair (again) today. i've gone from black (for "mourning my heart") to brown (for The Things We Carry) to blonde (for trying something new). and now, i'm back to black. ish. and i must say, i'm feelin it.

for a long time i've kept my hair a certain color or not left town cuz of my dedication to being an A+ acting client. well, fuck that anymore (o, and i will probably be profane here and there, but that, too, is proper for me). i have been teacher's pet as a client, and stayed after and done extra credit work, and where has this gotten me?? i've done some commercials (Bell Atlantic/Verizon, Pringles, Nokia and Kia [i know, wtf are the chances]). i've done a lot of theater, short films and i made a movie on my own (with the loving support and help of a bunch of other people, but you dig what i'm sayin). so, to re-cap, it has gotten me: boh-raaang!! i still would've been able to do the above and probably would've had a lot more fun if i didn't feel like a hostage, my look dictated by my latest headshot. given recent happenings, which have actually been marinating for the last year and half or more, i have taken back my power to look however i wake up, and go wherever my little feet take me. bravo alyssa! welcome to duh.

so then, my change in hair color isn't just an act of revolt against the biz'n'ass. it is also a very stereotypical response to some things goin on in my personal life. and no, i'm not gonna go into all that. but i have to say, it helps to change up the old hair color. and yes, i did it out of the box. out of a box. miss clairol, i believe.

so there you go. new hair color. everything always has a deeper meaning than that which is staring you in the face. it goes inward, forever. outward, forever. like the rabbit hole. welcome.


  1. welcome to the world wide interweb blog universe!

  2. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Yay for Alyssa! :o)

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    You're the best. I love this.
